Joachim Schöberl

Joachim Schöberl

In July 2002, I got the Start Prize

Phone: ++43 - 732 - 2468 - 9169

Detailed address

Short Curriculum Vitae:
born on May 28, 1972 in Steyr
studied Technische Mathematik at the Johannes Kepler University Linz
Diploma in Applied Mathematics, February 1996
PhD sub auspiciis praesidentis in Applied Mathematics, June 1999, JKU Linz
1996-2002 research fellow at the Institute of Computational Mathematics
and at the Spezialforschungsbereich SFB013 Project F1306
2000-2001 Visiting Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University, Dept. Math.
Since Aug. 2002 Start Project "hp-FEM"

Detailed Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests:
finite element methods, fast solvers, software design,
Maxwell equations, elasticity
Programmierpraktikum C in WS 1999/2000
Multigrid II

List of Publications

Software development interests

Automatic 3D Mesh Generation NETGEN
Finite Element Code FE++
Finite Element Solver NGSolve, and Manual.
Some Links


Address University of Linz
Spezialforschungsbereich SFB F013
Freistädter Strasse 313
4040 Linz, Austria
Phone ++43 - 732 - 2468 - 9169
Fax ++43 - 732 - 2468 - 7179 


Last update on 2001-08-20