In file finiteelement.hpp:

class ElementTransformation

Transformation from reference element to physical element.


Transformation from reference element to physical element. Uses finite element fel to describe mapping

Public Methods

[more] ElementTransformation()
[more]void SetElement(const NodalFiniteElement* afel, int aelnr, int aelindex)
[more]const NodalFiniteElement& GetElement() const
[more]int GetElementNr() const
[more]int GetElementIndex() const
[more]template<typename T> void CalcJacobian(const IntegrationPoint & ip, MatExpr<T> & dxdxi, LocalHeap & lh) const
[more]template<typename T> void CalcPoint(const IntegrationPoint & ip, MatExpr<T> & point, LocalHeap & lh) const
[more]const FlatMatrix<> & PointMatrix() const
[more]FlatMatrix<> & PointMatrix()
[more]const FlatMatrix<> & NVMatrix() const
[more]int SpaceDim() const

Private Fields

[more]const NodalFiniteElement* fel
finite element defining transformation
[more]FlatMatrix<> pointmat
matrix with points, dim * np
[more]FlatMatrix<> nvmat
normal vectors (only surfelements)
[more]int elnr
element number
[more]int elindex
material property

oconst NodalFiniteElement* fel
finite element defining transformation

oFlatMatrix<> pointmat
matrix with points, dim * np

oFlatMatrix<> nvmat
normal vectors (only surfelements)

oint elnr
element number

oint elindex
material property

o ElementTransformation()

ovoid SetElement(const NodalFiniteElement* afel, int aelnr, int aelindex)

oconst NodalFiniteElement& GetElement() const

oint GetElementNr() const

oint GetElementIndex() const

otemplate<typename T> void CalcJacobian(const IntegrationPoint & ip, MatExpr<T> & dxdxi, LocalHeap & lh) const

otemplate<typename T> void CalcPoint(const IntegrationPoint & ip, MatExpr<T> & point, LocalHeap & lh) const

oconst FlatMatrix<> & PointMatrix() const

oFlatMatrix<> & PointMatrix()

oconst FlatMatrix<> & NVMatrix() const

oint SpaceDim() const

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