The list of publications of Jan Valdman

  1. MSc thesis (under the guidance of Henk A. van der Vorst):
    Upperbounds for the GMRES residuals for some CFD - related problems,
    Utrecht, the Netherlands, 1996 -> pdf-file
  2. PhD thesis (under the guidance of Carsten Carstensen and Martin Brokate ):
    Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Elastoplastic Material with Multi-Surface Stress-Strain Relation,
    Kiel, Germany, 2001 submitted, 2002 published at (ISBN 3-89825-501-8), -> pdf-file, upgraded version, in color -> pdf-file
  3. Carsten Carstensen, Martin Brokate, Jan Valdman,
    A quasi-static boundary value problem in multi-surface elastoplasticity. I: Analysis.
    technical report 2003-16 of SFB "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific computing", also published in Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 27, No.14, 1697-1710 (2004) -> pdf-file
  4. Johanna Kienesberger, Jan Valdman,
    Multi-yield elastoplastic continuum-modeling and computations,
    Feistauer, M. (ed.) et al., Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2003, the 5th European conference on numerical mathematics and advanced applications, Prague, Czech Republic, August 18-22, 2003. Berlin: Springer. 539-548 (2004) -> pdf-file
  5. Carsten Carstensen, Martin Brokate, Jan Valdman,
    A quasi-static boundary value problem in multi-surface elastoplasticity. II: Numerical solution.
    technical report 2004-11 of SFB "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific computing", also published in Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 28, No.8, 881-901 (2005) -> pdf-file
  6. Johanna Kienesberger, Ulrich Langer, Jan Valdman,
    On a robust multigrid-preconditioned solver for incremental plasticity problems
    Proceedings of IMET 2004 - Iterative Methods, Precondtioning & Numerical PDEs, Prague -> pdf-file
  7. Antonio Orlando, Carsten Carstensen, Jan Valdman,
    A convergent adaptive finite element method for the primal problem of elastoplasticity
    Preprint No. 2005-12 of the Institute of Mathematics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, also published in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 67, No. 13, 1851-1887 ( 2006) -> pdf-file
  8. Johanna Kienesberger, Jan Valdman,
    An efficient solution algorithm for elastoplasticity and its first implementation towards uniform h- and p- mesh refinements
    de Castro, A. (ed.) et al., Numerical mathematics and advanced applications. Proceedings of ENUMATH 2005, the 6th European conference on numerical mathematics and advanced applications, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 18-22, 2005. Berlin: Springer. 1117-1125 (2006) -> pdf-file
  9. Peter Gruber, Jan Valdman,
    Solution of Elastoplastic Problem based on the Moreau-Yosida Theorem
    technical report 2006-05 of SFB "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific computing" -> pdf-file
    Partly published as a conference proceeding on the conference MODELLING 2005 in Pilsen, Czech Republic, where it appeared as an article P. Gruber, J. Valdman, Implementation of Elastoplastic solver based on Moreau-Yosida Theorem, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (2007) -> pdf-file
  10. Andreas Hofinger, Jan Valdman,
    Numerical solution of the two-yield elastoplastic minimization problem
    technical report 2006-18 of SFB "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific computing" -> pdf-file, also published in Computing 81, 35-52 (2007)
  11. Sergei Repin, Jan Valdman,
    Functional A posteriori error estimates for problems with nonlinear boundary conditions
    technical report 2006-25 of Johannes Radon Institute for computational and applied mathematics (RICAM) -> pdf-file, Journal of Numerical Mathematics 16, No. 1, 51-81 (2008)
  12. Peter Gruber, Jan Valdman,
    Newton-Like Solver for Elastoplastic Problems with hardening and its Local Super-Linear Convergence
    technical report 2007-06 of SFB "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific computing" -> pdf-file , submited to SIAM J. Scientific Computing
  13. Sergei Repin, Jan Valdman,
    Functional a posteriori error estimates for incremental models in elasto-plasticity
    technical report 2007-40 of Johannes Radon Institute for computational and applied mathematics (RICAM) -> pdf-file
  14. Jan Valdman,
    Effective Minimization of Functional Majorant in A Posteriori Error Analysis
    technical report 2008-07 of SFB "Numerical and Symbolic Scientific computing" -> pdf-file
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